Monday, October 21, 2019

DQ2 Example

DQ2_05 Example DQ2_05 – Coursework Example QD2_05: Intergovernmental Relationships QD2_05 Currently, the public health sector stands amidst various uncertainties which must bediligently tackled to ensure continued success in the sector. Notably, the sector has various pillars including the public body and governmental entities; both federal and national. Such pillars must exist in harmonious systems in which a collaborative approach to public health issues is promoted (Scutchfield adoption of frameworks that can be relied upon to deliver social justice to the patients and clients of the public health sector. In this regard, it is evident that social justice in public health is attainable through collaborative efforts among different governmental agencies. Such collaborative approaches must be able to eliminate selective justice which has often prevailed in healthcare systems. Indeed, successful adoption of comprehensive all-inclusive healthcare policies can only be possible if all stakeholders to the sector are able to come together in pursuit of a common goal (Magnussen, Ehiri & Jolly, 2004). However, politicization of various policies aimed at enhancing patient safety, and successful adoption of various policies can have negative impacts on the public health sector as noted by Bauer (2004). However, there is need for guidance and positive political involvement in the policy-making process to promote successful adoption of policies. ReferencesAwofeso, N. (2004). What’s new about the â€Å"new public health†?.  Journal Information,  94(5). Canadian Healthcare Manager. (2004). Patients vs Politics Gabrielle Bauer. Canadian Healthcare Manager. Toronto. Vol 11. Iss. (3), 42. Magnussen, L., Ehiri, J., & Jolly, P. (2004). Comprehensive versus selective primary health care: lessons for global health policy.  Health affairs,  23(3), 167-176.Morales, L. S., Rogowski, J., Freedman, V. A., Wickstrom, S. L., Adams, J. L., & Escarce, J. J. (2004). Use of preventive services by men enrolled in Medicare+ Choice plans.  American journal of public health,  94(5), 796-802.Scutchfield, F. D. & Keck, C.W. (2003). Principles of public health practices (2nd. ed.) New York: Thomson Delmar Learning. Chs 6-8, 75-138.

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